r15906 | alberth | 2009-03-31 17:46:18 +0000 (Tue, 31 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: Completed widget number enum of world-generation windows.
r15905 | rubidium | 2009-03-31 00:57:21 +0000 (Tue, 31 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Fix (r15424): chat completion got called twice causing tab completion to seemingly fail

r15902 | rubidium | 2009-03-30 23:13:02 +0000 (Mon, 30 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Cleanup: remove pointless merge info; we're not intending to merge moved files back anyways...

r15901 | frosch | 2009-03-30 20:48:10 +0000 (Mon, 30 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Add: AIIndustryType::IsBuiltOnWater(), HasHeliport() and HasDock(). Just like AIIndustry.
r15900 | frosch | 2009-03-30 20:19:25 +0000 (Mon, 30 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Fix (r5076): Adding settings is not enough, you also have to use them.
r15899 | alberth | 2009-03-30 20:04:29 +0000 (Mon, 30 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Fix (r15898): Removed widget number comments used for debugging.
r15898 | alberth | 2009-03-30 20:02:16 +0000 (Mon, 30 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: Added nested widgets for create-scenrario window
r15897 | alberth | 2009-03-30 19:52:59 +0000 (Mon, 30 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: Completed widget numbers and comment of create-scenario window.
r15896 | translators | 2009-03-30 17:36:07 +0000 (Mon, 30 Mar 2009) | 8 lines

-Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2009-03-30 17:35:58
danish     - 2 changed by beruic (2)
icelandic  - 27 fixed, 13 changed by scrooge (40)
indonesian - 6 changed by anansboga (6)
polish     - 1 fixed, 13 changed by meush (14)
serbian    - 97 fixed by etran (97)
traditional_chinese - 2 fixed by josesun (2)

r15895 | rubidium | 2009-03-30 08:59:26 +0000 (Mon, 30 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Fix (r15685): fixing the slopes was done a bit more often than intended making map generation with the original generator horribly slow

r15894 | glx | 2009-03-30 01:15:51 +0000 (Mon, 30 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: remove console widget array (it was empty anyway) and window desc
r15893 | glx | 2009-03-30 00:21:43 +0000 (Mon, 30 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Add: watermark crash.sav and don't generate crash information if a loaded crash.sav causes a crash
r15892 | rubidium | 2009-03-29 19:55:08 +0000 (Sun, 29 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Codechange: [OSX] some type fixes so OpenTTD likes more of the 3.1.x Xcodes.

r15891 | frosch | 2009-03-29 18:20:02 +0000 (Sun, 29 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Fix (r13464): YAPF used different penalties for aqueducts than for other water tiles.
r15890 | smatz | 2009-03-29 15:06:44 +0000 (Sun, 29 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Codechange: unify the way 'can a town be placed here?' checks are done
-Change: the requirements for location of 'random' town are now a bit less strict
r15889 | alberth | 2009-03-29 13:25:01 +0000 (Sun, 29 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: Add pre/inter/post space to nested background widgets
r15888 | frosch | 2009-03-29 11:41:42 +0000 (Sun, 29 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Fix (r15103)[FS#2772]: Round the production rate up, so e.g. oilrigs always produce some passengers on lowest production level.
r15887 | yexo | 2009-03-29 11:03:15 +0000 (Sun, 29 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Fix: Reorder dmusic.cpp / null_m.cpp in source.list so msvc doesn't reorder them in the generated project files.
r15886 | rubidium | 2009-03-29 10:52:54 +0000 (Sun, 29 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Fix [FS#2770]: libtimidity cannot handle frees of NULL (in contrast of most other frees)

r15885 | alberth | 2009-03-29 09:49:11 +0000 (Sun, 29 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: Removed new_size parameter of Window::OnResize() callback
r15884 | glx | 2009-03-28 19:08:55 +0000 (Sat, 28 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: New widgets for the industry windows
r15883 | peter1138 | 2009-03-28 17:39:03 +0000 (Sat, 28 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Codechange: Make a widget enum for the sign list and use widget offsets instead of direct locations.

r15882 | alberth | 2009-03-28 16:35:33 +0000 (Sat, 28 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: New widgets for generation progress window.
r15881 | yexo | 2009-03-28 16:19:04 +0000 (Sat, 28 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Fix (r15875): add an explicit cast so some compilers stop complaining.
r15880 | glx | 2009-03-28 15:20:03 +0000 (Sat, 28 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: add an invisible widget on company manager face windows to position company manager face image
r15879 | glx | 2009-03-28 14:55:11 +0000 (Sat, 28 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: add an invisible widget on advanced company face window to determine where to draw the strings instead refering to other widgets. Required for rtl languages.
r15878 | alberth | 2009-03-28 13:35:07 +0000 (Sat, 28 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: New widgets for the engine preview window.
r15877 | peter1138 | 2009-03-28 12:47:29 +0000 (Sat, 28 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Codechange: Let drop down lists know about font height.

r15876 | alberth | 2009-03-28 12:40:57 +0000 (Sat, 28 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: Nested widgets for build-dock station and dock toolbar windows.
r15875 | yexo | 2009-03-28 12:04:38 +0000 (Sat, 28 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Add: AIBridge::GetBridgeID() so AIs can get the type of bridge that are already build.
r15874 | yexo | 2009-03-28 11:17:38 +0000 (Sat, 28 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: New widgets for the game options window.
r15873 | alberth | 2009-03-28 11:17:01 +0000 (Sat, 28 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: Changing two comments to Doxygen comment.
r15872 | yexo | 2009-03-28 11:13:39 +0000 (Sat, 28 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: add paddings for widgets, this makes writing new widget arrays less cumbersome.
r15871 | alberth | 2009-03-28 10:07:35 +0000 (Sat, 28 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Fix: Repositioning and resizing the coverage highlight buttons of the build-dock window
r15870 | yexo | 2009-03-28 04:26:43 +0000 (Sat, 28 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: New widgets for the autoreplace window.
r15869 | glx | 2009-03-28 04:14:02 +0000 (Sat, 28 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: New widgets for select manager face and select livery windows
r15868 | yexo | 2009-03-28 02:54:40 +0000 (Sat, 28 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: remove the close box from the widget array instead of doing it in the constructor of the difficulty window. This makes it work again in rtl languages.
r15867 | yexo | 2009-03-28 02:46:10 +0000 (Sat, 28 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Codechange: remove the assumption that the first widgets are the close box/title bar.
Most work already done by r15756.
r15866 | yexo | 2009-03-28 02:11:41 +0000 (Sat, 28 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: New widgets for the difficulty window.
r15865 | glx | 2009-03-27 22:59:43 +0000 (Fri, 27 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: New widgets for company finances windows
r15864 | glx | 2009-03-27 01:55:25 +0000 (Fri, 27 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: add some 'invisible' widgets on company finances window, and use them to determine where to draw strings instead using some magic values
r15863 | smatz | 2009-03-26 22:13:00 +0000 (Thu, 26 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Fix (r15791): company money and game date strings were swapped on the statusbar
r15862 | yexo | 2009-03-26 21:12:14 +0000 (Thu, 26 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: New widgets for the road, rail and ship depot guis.
r15861 | yexo | 2009-03-26 20:39:04 +0000 (Thu, 26 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: Add NWID_HORIZONTAL_LTR that forces the ordering from left-to-right.
r15860 | frosch | 2009-03-26 19:45:45 +0000 (Thu, 26 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Add: AIRoad::GetRoadVehicleTypeForCargo() to tell whether a certain cargo needs a bus- or a truckstop.
r15859 | frosch | 2009-03-26 19:44:13 +0000 (Thu, 26 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Documentation: Meaning of AICargo::CC_PASSENGERS wrt. bus- and truckstops, and meaning of AICargo::IsFreight() wrt. freight train weight multiplier.
r15858 | yexo | 2009-03-26 18:55:42 +0000 (Thu, 26 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Codechange: New widgets for the road toolbars.

r15857 | translators | 2009-03-26 18:44:41 +0000 (Thu, 26 Mar 2009) | 10 lines

-Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2009-03-26 18:44:31
arabic_egypt - 8 fixed by khaloofah (8)
danish     - 4 changed by beruic (4)
dutch      - 1 changed by Excel20 (1)
icelandic  - 25 fixed by scrooge (25)
luxembourgish - 10 fixed by Gubius (10)
polish     - 1 fixed by xaxa (1)
romanian   - 1 fixed, 1 changed by kkmic (2)
welsh      - 4 fixed by PlayDead (4)

r15856 | glx | 2009-03-26 16:23:25 +0000 (Thu, 26 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Fix (r15819): NWidgetLeaf constructor don't use the provided window caption string
r15855 | glx | 2009-03-26 02:02:11 +0000 (Thu, 26 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: complete the company finances window widget enum and remove unneeded magic in large window definition
r15854 | yexo | 2009-03-25 22:07:25 +0000 (Wed, 25 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: New widgets for build tree window.
r15853 | yexo | 2009-03-25 21:38:05 +0000 (Wed, 25 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: New widgets for the waypoint gui.
r15852 | yexo | 2009-03-25 21:35:53 +0000 (Wed, 25 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: New widgets for the AI windows.
r15851 | rubidium | 2009-03-25 21:35:22 +0000 (Wed, 25 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Fix (r15849): compile failure when there's no freetype...

r15850 | rubidium | 2009-03-25 20:16:09 +0000 (Wed, 25 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Codechange: replace some magic constants with the less magic line height constant

r15849 | rubidium | 2009-03-25 20:01:34 +0000 (Wed, 25 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Codechange: provide easy access to the real height of the used fonts

r15848 | peter1138 | 2009-03-25 16:30:33 +0000 (Wed, 25 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Feature: Add autoclean_novehicles setting which will, when autoclean_companies is true, remove any company with no vehicles and no active client after autoclean_novehciles-months.

r15847 | rubidium | 2009-03-25 14:21:50 +0000 (Wed, 25 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Fix (r15837): the 'title' text of the music gui would be drawn big and in blue instead of small and in black

r15846 | rubidium | 2009-03-25 14:15:34 +0000 (Wed, 25 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Fix: shuffle button text alignment was based on the wrong widget

r15845 | peter1138 | 2009-03-25 14:03:29 +0000 (Wed, 25 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Fix: Ancient comments

r15844 | rubidium | 2009-03-25 01:10:24 +0000 (Wed, 25 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Codechange: allow text alignment to be forced so the console and ai debug output don't get swapped (those are untranslateable anyways)

r15843 | rubidium | 2009-03-25 00:28:57 +0000 (Wed, 25 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Codechange: with RTL the caret would always be drawn at the end of the textbox.

r15842 | rubidium | 2009-03-25 00:21:22 +0000 (Wed, 25 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Codechange: make DrawSortButtonState RTL.

r15841 | rubidium | 2009-03-25 00:16:28 +0000 (Wed, 25 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Fix: the saveload window could draw directory partly outside the window

r15840 | rubidium | 2009-03-25 00:08:47 +0000 (Wed, 25 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Codechange: complete the game option window widget enum and unify the naming.

r15839 | rubidium | 2009-03-24 22:18:40 +0000 (Tue, 24 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Fix: high score text was (partly) off-screen when using RTL and the window was wider than 640 pixels

r15838 | rubidium | 2009-03-24 22:00:11 +0000 (Tue, 24 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Fix: MSVC 64 bits warnings

r15837 | rubidium | 2009-03-24 21:23:56 +0000 (Tue, 24 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Codechange: support SETX(Y) with RTL text, swap alignment for RTL text.

r15836 | rubidium | 2009-03-24 20:23:47 +0000 (Tue, 24 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Fix [FS#2762]: acceptance not shown in the station window (swapping top and bottom isn't a great idea)

r15835 | yexo | 2009-03-24 20:03:02 +0000 (Tue, 24 Mar 2009) | 1 line

-Codechange: Prevent using the return value of DrawString as much as possible.
r15834 | translators | 2009-03-24 18:51:30 +0000 (Tue, 24 Mar 2009) | 7 lines

-Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2009-03-24 18:51:22
bulgarian  - 13 fixed by Ar4i (13)
korean     - 2 changed by dlunch (2)
latvian    - 2 fixed by silentKnight (2)
luxembourgish - 14 fixed by Gubius (14)
polish     - 22 fixed by xaxa (22)

r15833 | rubidium | 2009-03-23 22:20:23 +0000 (Mon, 23 Mar 2009) | 2 lines

-Fix: alignment of up/down arrows and closebox when in RTL 'view'
