r14577 | smatz | 2008-11-11 22:51:27 +0000 (Tue, 11 Nov 2008) | 1 line

-Fix [FS#2403]: vehicle didn't respect its 'refit in nearest depot' order (Swallow)
r14575 | translators | 2008-11-11 18:47:46 +0000 (Tue, 11 Nov 2008) | 6 lines

-Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-11-11 18:47:38
dutch      - 2 changed by Excel20 (2)
latvian    - 14 fixed by v3rb0 (14)
macedonian - 161 fixed, 15 changed by sashozs (176)
portuguese - 1 fixed by joznaz (1)

r14572 | rubidium | 2008-11-10 10:06:24 +0000 (Mon, 10 Nov 2008) | 2 lines

-Add: stub for Macedonian.

r14569 | translators | 2008-11-07 18:15:46 +0000 (Fri, 07 Nov 2008) | 2 lines

-Update: move Welsh from unfinished to finished.

r14568 | translators | 2008-11-07 18:08:53 +0000 (Fri, 07 Nov 2008) | 6 lines

-Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-11-07 18:07:33
latvian    - 69 fixed, 1 changed by v3rb0 (70)
norwegian_bokmal - 5 fixed by christian (5)
persian    - 42 fixed by ali sattari (42)
welsh      - 227 fixed, 2 changed by PlayDead (229)

r14567 | rubidium | 2008-11-07 18:02:46 +0000 (Fri, 07 Nov 2008) | 2 lines

-Revert (part of 14566): don't commit testing stuff...

r14566 | rubidium | 2008-11-07 17:59:51 +0000 (Fri, 07 Nov 2008) | 2 lines

-Fix [FS#2397]: RV's go via order would reserve a slot at the 'via' station which it never uses, which makes it unlikely that it reserves a slot for the next station and that makes queueing fail (Aali)

r14565 | translators | 2008-11-04 18:44:15 +0000 (Tue, 04 Nov 2008) | 9 lines

-Update: WebTranslator2 update to 2008-11-04 18:44:06
brazilian_portuguese - 5 fixed by tucalipe (5)
catalan    - 5 fixed, 2 changed by arnaullv (7)
italian    - 2 changed by lorenzodv (2)
latvian    - 65 fixed, 1 changed by v3rb0 (66)
persian    - 111 fixed by ali sattari (111)
polish     - 6 fixed by meush (6)
welsh      - 200 fixed, 12 changed by PlayDead (203), welshdragon (9)
