Various keys and their actions:


- Arrow keys are used to move the highlight point around.
- ALT-F4 to exit out of the application.
- Space or Enter to take action on the item under the highlight point.
- P to play in both "Watch a Recording" and "Delete a Recording".
- D to delete in both "Watch a Recording" and "Delete a Recording".
- I to edit recording options from the EPG, "Program Finder",
    "Program Rankings", or "Fix Scheduling Conflicts" screens.
    From the Playback and Delete screens, 'I' presents options
    for recorded shows such as Auto Expire or Stop Recording.

Watching TV or a recording

- Up and down arrow keys change the channel.
- Type the channel number to go directly to the channel.
- P to pause / play.
- C to change inputs on TV Tuner card
- ESC quits
- I puts the Onscreen Display up again.
    During playback, 'I' toggles between position and show description info.
- M brings up the electronic program guide (Grid) -- see the EPG section.
- Page Up to jump back the configured number of minutes.  (default is 10)
- Page Down to jump ahead the configured number of minutes.  (default is 10)
- T to toggle close caption support
- F to rotate between the various Picture Adjustments (Colour, Hue, etc.)
    While Picture Adjustment is on-screen, use Left and Right arrows to adjust.
    These settings adjust the look of the video playback, and are independent
    of the F1-F8 settings used at record-time.
- [ or F10 to decrease volume
- ] or F11 to increase volume
- | or F9 to toggle mute
- Z to skip to next program marker (beginning/ending of commercial break)
- Q to skip back to previous program marker
- / to jump to the next "favorite" channel
- ? to mark/unmark the current channel as a "favorite"
- U to increase the play speed
- J to decrease the play speed
- W to cycle through 4:3 aspect ratio, 16:9, and 4:3 Zoom (like pan and scan)

Without the stickykeys option selected:

- Left arrow to rewind the configured number of seconds.  (default is 5)
- Right arrow to fast forward the configured number of seconds. (default is 30)
- < starts rewind mode as if stickykeys are selected.
- > starts fast forward mode as if stickykeys are selected.

With the stickykeys option selected:

- Right starts fast forward mode.
- Left starts rewind mode.
   While in fast forward or rewind mode.
   - Left/Right increases the ff/rew speed.
   - 0 plays at normal speed, but leaves the time indicator on screen.
   - 1 or 2 plays back more slowly than normal ff/rew speed (1 is slowest).
   - 3 plays back at normal ff/rew speed.
   - 4 - 9 plays back faster than normal ff/rew speed (9 is fastest).
   - Space exits fast forward or rewind mode.

With the video paused:

- Left arrow to rewind 1 frame
- < to rewind 1 second
- Right arrow to advance 1 frame
- > to advance 1 second

Watching TV only:

- F1-F8 adjust the picture settings for recording.  These values effect the
     brightness, hue, etc. of the resulting .nuv file, and are independent
     of the playback picture settings.
   - F1/F2 decrease/increase contrast
   - F3/F4 decrease/increase brightness
   - F5/F6 decrease/increase color
   - F7/F8 decrease/increase hue
- H   Channel history. Each repeat steps back through the previous channels.
- O   Turns on 'Browse' mode, allowing user to browse channels and program
      info while watching current show FullScreen.

LiveTV Browse Mode:
- Left          browse program prior to current listed program.
- Right         browse program following current listed program.
- Up            browse program on channel above current listed channel/program.
- Down          browse program on channel below current listed channel/program.
- Enter/Space   change channel to channel of current listed program.
- R/r           Toggle recording of current program (cycles through types)
- ESC           Exit Browse mode.

If you have two or more tuner cards:

- V toggle Picture-in-picture on or off
- B toggles the active window (lets you change channels on the PiP window.
- N swaps the two channels by changing channels on both cards.

While watching a recording:

- SPACE or ENTER will set a bookmark at that point.  Next time you start the 
  recording, you will automatically jump forward to this point and clear the 
- E or M enters/exits edit mode.
  - The left and right keys move forward and backward.
  - The up and down arrow keys alter the amount of time you jump forward and
    backward.  Increments are: nearest cutpoint, nearest video keyframe, 
    1 frame, 0.5 seconds, 1 second, 20 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes, and 
    10 minutes.
  - The page up and down keys move forward and backward to the nearest cut
  - The < and > keys move forward or backward by 10 times the normal jump
  - Space/Enter allows you to set or delete a cut point.
  - 'Z' loads the commercial skip list (if one exists) into the cutlist.
  - 'C' clears all cut points in the cutlist.
- X queues the current recording for transcoding.


- Arrow keys are used to move the highlighted program point around.
- The keys A, D, S, W perform the same as left, right, down and up.
- PageUp and PageDown move the channel list up or down a page.
- Home and End move the highlight left or right by one day.
- Control-Left and Control Right move the highlight left or right by one page.
- The keys 9, 3, 7 and 1 (like a numeric keypad) perform the same as PageUp,
  PageDown, Home and End.
- I or Space or Enter will bring up more information about a show, and allow
  you to schedule a recording.
  -  If you select "Record this showing" while watching Live TV you can
     "Instant Record" a program.
- Pressing M when on a channel will change to that channel.
- Pressing ESC or C exits without changing the channel.
- Pressing R will change the current item from Recording/Not-Recording.
  Successive keypresses cycle through the scheduled recording type list.
- Pressing X will change the channel to the currently selected channel without
  leaving the EPG (Most useful in the alternate EPG)
- Pressing '/' will mark/unmark the current channel as a "favorite"
- Pressing 4 will toggle the guide listing between all channels and filtered

Set Program Rankings and Set Channel Rankings

- Right increases rank value.
- Left decreases rank value.
- 1 sorts by title.
- 2 sorts by rank.
- I to edit recording options.
- ESC commits changes and exits.

Remote Controls

If you are using MythTV with just a remote control then it is suggested that you
map the remote control keys as described below.  Your remote control may not
have the same set of keys as those named below, the names are only a suggestion
that roughly correspond to the function.

If you are adding new key bindings to the program then consideration of this
suggested list will help users with remote controls.

This list assumes a minimal remote control that only has 20 keys, nearly all
features can be used with this configuration.  If you have more keys then you
can access all of the features.  With only 16 keys most features are usable.

Remote Control          LIRC Keystroke    Function
--------------          --------------    --------

0 - 9                   0 - 9             channel selection, EPG navigation,
                                          ff/rew speed setting (with stickykeys)

Left Arrow              Left              scroll left, rewind
Right Arrow             Right             scroll right, fast forward

Up Arrow                Up                scroll up, channel change up
Down Arrow              Down              scroll down, channel change down

Select / OK / Play      Space             Select item, play (with stickykeys)
                                          set bookmark

Cancel                  Escape            Cancel, quit playback

Menu                    m                 EPG (from watching TV)
                                          edit (from playback).

Pause                   p                 Pause

Other key 1             i                 Information

Other key 2             c                 Change tuner card input